Western insight. National Impact.
As we reach the end of 2024, I’m writing to offer my sincere thanks for your support throughout the year. Your engagement and financial contributions allowed us to make progress on issues facing the West. I’m pleased to share our 2023-24 Impact Report. It includes:
- 497 media interviews on topics ranging from the U.S. election, the Vancouver port strike, youth retention in Manitoba and trade with China.
- 137 policy briefings to premiers, federal and provincial ministers, heads of state and municipal politicians.
- 54 opinion pieces placed in Canada’s premier mass media including the Globe and Mail, The Hub, Financial Post and Report on Business.
- 66 events that drew sell-out crowds who came to hear former premiers and deputy prime ministers, ambassadors, industry leaders and thought leaders on U.S.-Canada relations.
There are many challenges facing the provinces and the country, not the least of which is the instability we may face if the U.S. pushes through with its 25 per cent tariff plan (for analysis see North America Brief 22.) The cumulative effect of these challenges is that international and Canadian investment in Canada is down. We are not seen as investable.
We believe that can change. We believe we can help. With your support, we can answer Are we investable? with a resounding Yes!
I again thank those of you who supported Canada West Foundation this year and to encourage others to consider renewing or making a first gift. For information on options, I invite you to view the corporate and individual funding page on our website.
Gary Mar, CEO and President