Authors: David Elton, Jackie Sieppert, Jason Azmier and Robert Roach

The primary purpose of this study is to provide empirically derived information to objectively inform the debate on the reform of welfare by assessing both the positive and negative impacts of the reforms on recipients. The objectives of the study are:

Assess the benefits that former welfare recipients have obtained from program changes;
• Identify the consequences of reform on former welfare recipients; and
• Assess overall changes to the quality of life for former welfare recipients regarding employment, education, income, well-being, lifestyle, etc.
• Welfare reform in Alberta has moved service delivery in five distinct directions that, when integrated, shifted welfare from a passive system to an active system. These five directions are:

  1. Employment and Training
  2. Partnerships
  3. Service Delivery Structures and Procedures
  4. Changes in Attitude
  5. Welfare Benefits

The findings of this research project examine the multiple and complex nature of the personal problems and circumstances that lead people to seek welfare reinforces the need for continual improvements and adaptations in the delivery of social assistance.