Author: Robert Roach and Larissa Sommerfeld

Water Worries: Western Canadian Opinions Toward Paying More for Water shows that western Canadians are worried about the long-term supply of fresh water and that they are willing to pay more for water if doing so results in more conservation.

The results examined in this publication are drawn from a survey conducted by Environics Research Group Limited. The survey was conducted by telephone in late 2010 with 1,202 western Canadians (300 per province) 18 years and older. The results are accurate +/-2.8 percentage points 19 times out of 20.

In addition to Water Worries, the results from the survey are compiled in two additional reports entitled Green Expectations: Western Canadian Opinions on Environmental Issues and Reading the Meter: Western Canadian Opinions on Energy Issues.

Water Worries: Western Canadian Opinions Toward Paying More for Water is part of the Canada West Foundation’s Powering Up for the Future Project, which focuses on public policy challenges at the interface of the economy, the environment and energy.