By Naomi Christensen
In the Leader-Post and Star Phoenix

June 28, 2016

Saskatchewan has chosen to pursue ambitious emission-reduction goals in a way that preserves the province’s hard-fought gains in competitiveness. Tapping into hydro power generated by its neighbours through an integrated western electricity grid could help maintain its advantage.

The steadfast focus on increasing economic competitiveness has nurtured a population boom and more than doubled the value of provincial exports in less than a decade. Personal, business and property tax reductions and the trimming of regulatory costs to business have all been key.

Using the cost competitiveness lens, Premier Brad Wall has refused to follow other provinces down the path of adding costs via a carbon tax. Instead, Saskatchewan is embarking on a transformational plan to quickly change the electricity mix in the province through a shift to non-emitting power sources.

SaskPower plans to double the province’s renewable electricity capacity by 2030 — bringing it to half of the province’s total capacity. The means adding nearly 2,300 megawatts of capacity — more than coal generates now. This is no small feat to accomplish in just over a decade. Considering the cost of infrastructure makes up largest single item on a power bill in Saskatchewan (42 per cent), choosing the lowest-cost option will be crucial to keeping the lights on without crippling the economy.

SaskPower is betting big on wind. Wind is projected to increase from five to 30 per cent of the province’s electricity capacity by 2030. Hydropower capacity will see a small increase, but its overall contribution to the grid will decrease from 20 to 15 per cent.

Emphasizing wind is understandable — there are cost comparisons that peg it as the cheapest renewable option. However, we crunched the numbers for a report we released Monday, called Power up: The hydro option. Our analysis indicates that wind is not the cheapest renewable source in the long run. Hydro’s longer lifespan, coupled with its ability to produce more power over a set amount of time, makes it hands-down the most cost-effective renewable technology.

SaskPower is examining the potential for hydro projects, including imports, and may decide hydro warrants a larger role in meeting its 2030 goals. Yet, while there is a fair amount of hydro potential within the province, its high upfront capital costs can deter investment.

It might be more attractive to bring in hydropower from another jurisdiction and it could be done more quickly. British Columbia and Manitoba are both major hydropower producers, while both Saskatchewan and Alberta are looking to reduce electricity emissions.

Although the idea of a western electricity grid powered by hydro is not new, two recent events make it a real possibility:

• Saskatchewan and Alberta’s plans to double their capability to produce non-emitting electricity by 2030 requires adding significant amounts of new capacity over a relatively short timeframe.
The prime minister has indicated the federal government is open to financially supporting an integrated power grid that transfers clean energy between western provinces.

• Federal support for regional transmission lines is not unprecedented. The previous federal government provided a loan guarantee of more than $1 billion to move hydro from Newfoundland to Nova Scotia. An intertie under construction to allow SaskPower to buy 100 MW of hydropower from Manitoba, which will power about 40,000 homes, would cost $500 million.

For a Trudeau government focused on creating a low-carbon society, bearing the cost of provincial action to reduce emissions makes sense. Directing funding to transmission infrastructure would enhance the use of clean electricity in the West, actually reducing emissions. Federal support for this type of project — whether an intertie or a larger scale line that spans multiple provinces — could go a long way to overcoming some of the challenges associated with building any type of linear infrastructure in Canada.

Saskatchewan should be applauded for maintaining a keen eye on competitiveness while seeking to reduce emissions. The federal government would be wise to find a way to support Saskatchewan’s attempts to clean the grid.

Naomi Christensen is a policy analyst with the Canada West Foundation, a non-partisan think tank focused on the concerns of western Canadians